Who Does Cuba’s Regime Fear?

After a thorough investigation, the news site 14ymedio has put together a list of terms that Cuba’s regime censors from SMS (text) messages.

Prominently featured on the list are democracy leaders, such as Berta Soler, Guillermo Farinas, Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, Jorge Luis Garcia “Antunez” and Jose Daniel Ferrer.

Also featured are opposition groups, such as The Ladies in White and UNPACU.

There are independent journalists, such as 14ymedio, Cubanet and Hablemos Press.

There are opposition movements, such as Todos Marchamos and Somos+.

And open terms, such as democracy, human rights and plebiscite.

What’s not on the list — and far from censored in Cuba — are words, such as Obama, Ben Rhodes, JetBlue flights, Carnival cruises, Kardashians, Chanel and even “cuenta-propistas” (“self-employed”).

That’s because none of those are a threat to Castro’s regime.  To the contrary, they provide welcome economic relief and a convenient distraction to repress the “threats” censored above.

Of course, the irony is that the Castro regime and its U.S.-based lobbyists have always sought to diminish the importance of Cuba’s democracy movement and leaders. The media has generally — and sadly — gone along with this false narrative.

This led to Obama’s relegating of Cuba’s democracy movement in favor of unconditionally embracing the Castros’ dictatorship — oh, and to help the island’s “cuenta-propistas” (wink, wink).

But if these democracy movements and leaders are irrelevant — then why does Cuba’s regime go to such great lengths to censor and repress them? 

Ask yourself — why is Castro so afraid of these peaceful opponents?